How to Microwave Fish Sticks Without Smell

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By Alice


Fish sticks are a beloved classic, offering a quick and satisfying meal. However, the one drawback that often makes people hesitant is the lingering smell that can permeate your kitchen and home. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the secrets of how to microwave fish sticks without the unpleasant odor. With these techniques, you can enjoy the convenience of microwaving fish sticks while keeping your kitchen odor-free.

Understanding the Challenge: Why Does Fish Stick Odor Linger?

Before we dive into the solutions for how to microwave fish sticks without smell, let’s explore why fish sticks tend to release such a strong odor when cooked.

Fish sticks contain compounds like trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) and various amines that can produce a fishy smell when heated. These compounds are released as gases, and when not handled correctly, they can create an unpleasant odor that lingers in your kitchen and even your entire home.

So, if you love fish sticks but don’t want the lingering smell, let’s get into how to microwave fish sticks without smell.

Don’t Miss: How to Microwave Fish Without Smell

1. The Lemon Zest Trick for Microwaving Fish Sticks

  1. Before microwaving your fish sticks, marinate them in a mixture of lemon juice and lemon zest. The natural acids in lemon help neutralize the odor-producing compounds in fish sticks.
  2. After marinating for about 10-15 minutes, place the fish sticks on a microwave-safe plate and cook as usual.
  3. The lemony aroma will mask any fishy smell, leaving your kitchen smelling fresh.

2. The Vinegar Solution for Microwaving Fish Sticks

  1. Prior to microwaving, soak a paper towel in white vinegar and wrap it around the fish sticks.
  2. Place the vinegar-wrapped fish sticks on a microwave-safe plate and cook as usual.
  3. The vinegar will absorb any lingering odors, ensuring that your kitchen remains odor-free.

3. The Baking Soda Absorption for Microwaving Fish Sticks

  1. Sprinkle a small amount of baking soda over the fish sticks before microwaving.
  2. Cook the fish sticks as you normally would.
  3. Baking soda is an excellent odor absorber and will help neutralize any fishy smells.

4. The Herbaceous Approach for Microwaving Fish Sticks

  1. Season your fish sticks with fresh herbs like rosemary, thyme, or basil.
  2. Microwave the fish sticks as usual.
  3. The fragrant herbs will infuse the fish sticks with their delightful aroma, masking any unwanted odors.

5. The Citrus Infusion for Microwaving Fish Sticks

  1. Cut thin slices of your favorite citrus fruit, such as oranges or limes.
  2. Lay these citrus slices on top of the fish sticks before microwaving.
  3. As the fish sticks cook, the citrus aroma will counteract the fishy smell, leaving your kitchen smelling fresh and zesty.

Don’t Miss: How to Microwave Fish

Additional Tips for Odor-Free Microwaving of Fish Sticks

Now that you know some specific techniques for how to microwave fish sticks without smell, here are some additional tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use Fresh Fish Sticks: The fresher the fish sticks, the milder the odor when cooking. Avoid fish sticks that have been sitting in your freezer for too long.
  2. Ventilation: Turn on your kitchen’s exhaust fan or open a window while microwaving fish sticks to help dissipate any odors.
  3. Microwave-Safe Covers: Use microwave-safe covers or lids when cooking fish sticks to prevent odors from escaping.
  4. Cleaning: Clean your microwave regularly to prevent lingering odors from previous meals.
  5. Air Purifiers: Consider using an air purifier with a filter designed to remove cooking odors.


Microwaving fish sticks without the unwanted odor is indeed possible. By using simple techniques like the lemon zest trick, vinegar solution, baking soda absorption, herbaceous approach, and citrus infusion, you can enjoy the convenience and satisfaction of microwaved fish sticks without worrying about the lingering smell.

So, the next time you crave a quick and delicious fish sticks meal, don’t hesitate to use these odor-fighting methods to ensure that your kitchen remains fresh and inviting. With these tips on how to microwave fish sticks without smell, you can savor your favorite fish sticks without any lingering scents.

With the knowledge and techniques shared in this guide, you can confidently prepare fish sticks in your microwave, knowing that you’ll enjoy a delightful meal without the unwanted fishy odor.

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