How To Get More Social Media Likes And Followers

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By smith

Social media has become an integral part of our lives. It is no surprise that individuals and businesses are looking to get more social media likes and followers on their accounts. Having a large following on social media can boost your online presence and help you reach a wider audience.

However, getting more likes and followers can be challenging, especially with the constant algorithm changes and increasing competition on social media platforms. It requires a strategic approach and consistent effort to increase your social media presence.

In this post, we will explore practical tips and strategies that can help you get more social media likes and followers. From optimizing your content to engaging with your audience, we will cover different aspects that can contribute to your social media success. 

Here are some tips:

1. Make your brand hard to resist

If your brand or page must get the likes and follows you require, it has to be worth the trouble. This does not mean loading it with content or adding dashing ads. It requires you to be authentic so people can trust you enough to deal with you. Your brand or page must add value to keep people following you.

2. Automate your social media accounts

For effectiveness and consistency, you have to automate the social media accounts you manage in one place. When you automate with the best tool, you can easily schedule posts in advance at preferred times for followers to see as and when due. It also gives you room to analyze the performance of your posts. Furthermore, you can also, with the tool, monitor the frequency of posting to be sure it’s adequate enough to boost your followers.

3. Be Customer-centric

Social media today is gradually overtaking phone and email resolution of issues; hence, capitalizing on this to offer customers the required service. As observed, many customers would instead go to the social media page of companies to complain to get their issues resolved than make phone calls. It is cheap and tends to generate responses faster. Opt to help your customers to get more people following you.

If you can resolve customers’ issues, they will return to call you repeatedly. Hence, if you keep attending to customers on your account, more people will visit your page.

4. Promote your social media accounts

One of the fastest and easiest ways to get follows or likes to your page, or profile is to promote it. Occasionally, create a fun post on your Facebook page, Instagram, or Twitter account, then promote it for customers to see. Request customers to chat with you via your social media channels, including your social icons on your sites, etc. Promote your accounts using email marketing to get a wider reach or buy like and followers.

5. Actively engage

You need to keep activities going on your social media accounts by engaging a lot with users. Engage your audience actively and reply to their comments. Answer the questions they ask you in posts so that all will see you are responsive. However, when you do that, you will boost your presence and build a formidable relationship with your audience.

6. Benchmark your competitors

You have to be abreast of what your competitors are doing. However, before that, you need to identify them and understand their location (i.e., what network they are on) and their activities. Ensure their actions are not affecting your business negatively. If you can do this, you will be able to note the gaps in your strategy. Check out their pages, audience strength, posting frequency, engagement, strengths, and weaknesses.

7. Keep up with social media mentions

You have to be up to date with mentions of your brand and then track, analyze, and respond to those conversations. Constantly monitor conversations relevant to your niche.

8. Establish your social media voice and tone

There are millions of pages and users on social media; now, you need to distinguish yourself from others. You can distinguish yourself in your chat, write, design, post, post, respond, launch, and when you connect with others. So as you engage with your audience, they note your voice and build an impression of your brand. If you carry yourself properly, you become the hero of your audience. When you write, empathize with your audience and be clear in your post, and avoid ambigous or open-ended statements. Do not engage in any online drama or sensationalism.

9. Select channels that are right for you

As different social media channels serve different purposes, just anyone might not work for you. Now, if you want more website referral traffic, Facebook is your friend. FB does that better than others, focusing on news and entertainment. However, Twitter is a microblogging site that prides itself as news and entertainment. It is a news platform and social network which works best for brands sharing blog posts or promoting website content. 

The case of Instagram is quite different because it is basically visual and is not optimal for driving blog or website traffic. It’s best suited for strong visual brands. Lastly, LinkedIn is a professional network for business networking. Companies use it to share industry articles and professional content.

You have to select networks that align with your customer, products, and the ones your competitors are on. You must be where your prospects and customers are to get them.

10. Be well mannered

Your attitude would either attract customers to you or chase them off you; hence be cultured. Mind the comments or feedback you give users and understand the best way to handle negative commentaries. Try to address even the most negative comment in an optimistic tone. Avoid arguments with trolls because you can never please them.

11. Focus on quality content rather than quantity.

As said, the more you post, the more the audience will visit your page. However, it can be counter-productive if your posts lack quality. You would lose the audience at the rate at which you gained them. Hence rather than volume, focus on quality and do not post for the sake of it. 

12. Use hashtags

Use hashtags when you post to attract users to the post. Do not forget to double-check the meaning of the hashtag you are using them. This will help prevent embarrassment and potentially damaging your reputation because you did not understand what that particular hashtag was referencing.


Remember, building a strong social media presence takes time and effort. Implementing these How To Get More Social Media Likes And Followers strategies, you can increase your likes and followers and build a strong community around your brand. Finally, you can also buy automatic social media likes and followers to get you there in good time.

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