How to Get Burnt Popcorn Smell Out of Microwave?

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By Alice


Have you ever experienced that dreadful moment when your microwave betrays you, turning your delicious popcorn into a smelly disaster? The burnt popcorn smell can be a real nuisance, but fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore multiple techniques on how to get burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave. With these methods, you’ll say goodbye to that unpleasant odor and hello to a microwave that smells as fresh as a daisy.

Understanding the Culprit

Before we dive into the solutions, it’s crucial to grasp why burnt popcorn can leave such a persistent odor in your microwave. When popcorn burns, it releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are responsible for that potent, unpleasant smell. To eliminate this smell effectively, we need to break down and neutralize these VOCs.

Method 1: The Lemon Freshness Trick for Getting Burnt Popcorn Smell Out

The Lemon Freshness Trick

What You’ll Need:

  • A microwave-safe bowl
  • A fresh lemon
  • Water


  1. Begin by slicing the lemon in half and extracting the juice into the microwave-safe bowl. Don’t forget to toss the lemon halves in there as well.
  2. Fill the bowl halfway with water.
  3. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high power for three minutes.
  4. After heating, leave the bowl inside the microwave for an additional five minutes. During this time, the lemon-infused steam will work its magic on the burnt popcorn smell, effectively getting burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave.

Why It Works:
The acidity of the lemon juice helps neutralize odors, while the steam disperses the lemony freshness throughout the microwave, eliminating the burnt popcorn smell.

Method 2: The Baking Soda Miracle for Getting Burnt Popcorn Smell Out

What You’ll Need:

  • Baking soda
  • Water


  1. Start by creating a paste by mixing two tablespoons of baking soda with a cup of water.
  2. Apply the paste to the interior surfaces of the microwave, paying extra attention to areas where the burnt smell is most intense.
  3. Allow the paste to sit in the microwave for at least 30 minutes. For optimal results, you can leave it overnight.
  4. After the waiting period, use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away the baking soda paste and get burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave.

Why It Works:
Baking soda is renowned for its exceptional odor-absorbing properties. It works by neutralizing the odorous compounds, effectively eliminating the burnt popcorn smell from the microwave.

Method 3: The Vinegar Deodorizer for Getting Burnt Popcorn Smell Out

What You’ll Need:

  • White vinegar
  • Water


  1. Combine equal parts of white vinegar and water in a microwave-safe bowl.
  2. Place the bowl in the microwave and heat it on high power for five minutes.
  3. Allow the bowl to remain in the microwave for an additional 15 minutes.
  4. Carefully remove the bowl (it might be hot), and use a cloth or sponge to wipe down the interior of the microwave, effectively getting burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave.

Why It Works:
Vinegar is a powerful deodorizer and sanitizer, breaking down the burnt popcorn smell and leaving the microwave smelling fresh and clean.

Method 4: The Coffee Grounds Trick for Getting Burnt Popcorn Smell Out

What You’ll Need:

  • Fresh coffee grounds


  1. Place a cup of fresh coffee grounds in the microwave.
  2. Heat the coffee grounds on low power for about two minutes to get burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave.

Why It Works:
Coffee grounds possess natural odor-absorbing properties. As they release their aroma, they help neutralize and replace the burnt popcorn smell, leaving the microwave smelling fresh.

Method 5: The Vanilla Extract Magic for Getting Burnt Popcorn Smell Out

What You’ll Need:

  • Vanilla extract
  • Cotton balls or a small dish


  1. Soak a cotton ball or a small dish in vanilla extract.
  2. Place the soaked cotton ball or dish in the microwave.
  3. Close the microwave door and leave it for a few hours or overnight to get burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave.

Why It Works:
Vanilla extract has a delightful scent that can overpower and mask unpleasant odors like burnt popcorn, effectively getting burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave.

Preventing Future Incidents

While these methods are highly effective at removing burnt popcorn smell, it’s always better to prevent it in the first place. Here are some tips to avoid the dreaded burnt popcorn scenario:

  • Always follow the recommended cooking time and power level stated by the popcorn manufacturer.
  • If your microwave has a “popcorn” setting, use it to ensure precise cooking.
  • Stay near the microwave and listen for the pops to slow down, indicating that the popcorn is ready.
  • Consider using a microwave-safe splatter guard to prevent overheating and getting burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave.


The burnt popcorn smell can be a real nuisance, but it doesn’t have to linger in your microwave and kitchen forever. With the diverse methods discussed in this guide, you can easily bid farewell to that unpleasant odor and welcome a microwave that’s ready for your next culinary adventure. Whether you prefer the natural freshness of lemon, the power of baking soda, the deodorizing properties of vinegar, the aroma of coffee grounds, or the sweetness of vanilla extract, you have multiple options to choose from for getting burnt popcorn smell out of the microwave. Say goodbye to the burnt popcorn smell and hello to a kitchen that smells delightful!

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